Friday, July 02, 2010

end of week 3

hey guys...

so it's the end of week 3. this week we had a youth clinic here t one of the churches.

My trainee's names were Paw and Freddy. Both big, tall, Fijian guys that could potentially be scary if not for our same love for christ. so for the last 5 days, every morning we start at 8.30am and leave for OJT at about 2.30pm.

so what did i learn this week? i've learnt that in every culture, no matter where we come from, people need to hear about Jesus and people need to build strong relationships with Jesus.

from interacting with my friends here, i've learned so much from the mix of cultures and experiences we represent. my roommate, Sharon, comes from Korea and i've learned a few things about the Korean. They're really proud of their culture and heritage, and they have such a strong passion to share the gospel and help the community. i really admire the fact that they are proud to be who they are. it's something i need to work on. Malaysia boleh! haha

tommorrow we'll be heading out to a village "lomaivuna". i heard we have to take our bathes in the river. should be fun. pictures will be up on facebook because the have a more canggih photo uploader than blogspot.

keep praying for:
1. good health for me
2. opportunity to share the gospel
3. God to speak clearly to me and to direct me

thanks everyone! special shoutout to those starting uni this weekend. i'm missing everybody back home.

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