Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Move on or Dwell

Had a nice chat with a good friend this morning. made me realise something - nothing's been the same recently and i don't expect things to be the same anymore.

one way to look at it, i'm growing out of my shell, flying away like a butterfly. Things certainly have been getting better and better for me. more friends, meeting new people, seeing things from new perspectives.

yet, i miss the old comforts. people change, status change, life goes on. Things will never go back to what they were once were. I don't expect things to be exactly the same once i've returned from my trip. a little tweak here, a little tweak there, some good news, some bad news...

you either move on or you dwell on the past. The past is a good teacher. However, lessons taught but never applied means nothing. i guess i have to learn to move on. Keep being in the centre of God's will because that's where everything is under control.

Just wanna share with you a verse reminded to me by another wise teacher this week:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

This is gonna change too...

by the way, i did well for exams yesterday. thanks for all your prayers!

1 comment:

Voon Yuen Woh said...

Hey, how're things in Fiji? Can't wait for you to blog from there.

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